Responsive design

Designed by WordPress own created original theme. Simple and modern white background with black text color, two columns for desktop view. This website is having e-commerce system using Woo Commerce WordPress plugin. Most popular Japanese contact form plugin equipped. Auto-resize photo upload plugin, Clear cache and clean-up plugin, Easy backup system equipped, HTTPS secured website already, and quick loading website got high score by Google speed test result.

Multilingual pages

This website support English, Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese language for foreign travellers. Because Korean is most visiting Fukuoka area. Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong travellers supported by traditional Chinese.

Booking System Supported

This website support simple booking system for domestic and international. You can check the business day on the calendar. You can select course menu after click business day. You can setting price, notice, any personal info, and additional members. Owner can setting more question, select button, checkbox, limit guest members, and more.

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